Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It was rainy today. It is most days here. Although today was different. Today I think I finally got perspective.

It came today in Bible class. Today we were talking about the theory of dispensations, a way of sort of dividing the Bible into differing ways that God has treated mankind. Making the Bible a sort of story book.

I came to this place, Costa Rica, to find rest, to find a fresh start, a solace from all my troubles. Unfortunately, it hasn’t quite been that. I’ve found opportunities, and I’ve also found dead ends. I’ve found healing, and I’ve found heartbreak. I’ve found friends, and I’ve lost friends. I’ve been found by some, lost by others. I’ve never felt more alone, and I’ve never felt so alive.

But is this how the story ends? Does my story end with the dispensation of loss, the dispensation of change? Certainly not.

As I looked at the rain falling outside the classroom, I became aware of a story that has long been going on, and has yet to come to a conclusion. The biggest love story in history. A story of innocence, of loss, of tears, of break up, of heart break, of sacrifice, and of a love that never fails. The story that is being spun, and played by thousands of characters over all eternity.

And if that story hasn’t ended, then it doesn’t seem like mine will either. Ive had to re evaluate my priorities, and now I realize my story is just beginning. Despite the hard times in my life right now, I can hear in the back of my head, an utterance of heaven:

“Little did he know…”

Oh, little do I know. But of the little I do know, I know one thing. Theres much to be done before my part in the story comes to a close, until my happily ever after finally comes.

Until the last chapter, I forever remain


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Estoy Aqui

Just arrived in Costa Rica yesterday. Internet time is limited, so I have to make this blog quick. Ordinarily I write them out ahead of time, but I havnt had much time this morning, so this must suffice.

So far, the weather is amazing. Its about mid 70s to low 80s here, and its surprisingly clear so I have an awesome view of the mountains surrounding San Jose. Although I think we're expecting rain later this afternoon. The day is still young. I will have to post pictures of it later.

Today, we're supposed to do more orientation as well as walk around the city a bit. I dont start classes until next tuesday, so Im very glad I have a little time to get adjusted to the culture before I settle into a routine.

Right now, the monumental task ahead of me is finding a music store to buy my guitar. If some of you didnt know, it became to expensive to bring mine down here so I decided on buying one here and keeping it down here. I am going through a few music withdrawls, so hopefully I will survive until then.

In the meantime, please feel free to e-mail me. I would love to hear from you guys. jaredphutchins@gmail.com
